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We offer handcrafted unique meteorite rings, custom made to your specifications, or, in some cases, ready-made. Working with such a precious material, we always want to deliver the best rings we can. Our goal is to make rings that you can wear with pride and perhaps, one day, pass on to the next generation. Such a ring takes great effort and is very time consuming to make. We do not want to rush as it wouldn’t be fair to you nor the meteorite.
This is why we do not offer direct purchases at this time. Instead, we have made a waiting list that you can sign up for. Before you sign up, make sure that you have read all the information, so you are aware of what it means to wear and care for a meteorite ring. It’s not like most other jewelry and doesn’t suit everyone’s needs.
While the natural material provides a varying pattern that will make every ring unique, you can add to the individuality of your ring by customizing things such as profile, lining, and width, to get the combination that suits you the best. In our image gallery, you can find pictures of previously made rings and get a sense of what the possibilities are.
We do, from time to time, offer pre-made rings on this page. These rings are 100% done and ready to be shipped without delay. However they already have a fixed size, and unfortunately, meteorite rings cannot be resized, so what you see is what you get. The rings may sell very quickly, so in order not to miss out you can sign up to receive an e-mail notification whenever a new ring is added. Please note that these rings are “first come, first served” and that e-mail notifications are sent out to everyone on this list, even if only one ring is available.
Crafting a ring made to order is a difficult and time-consuming process. Natural materials such as meteorites can be very temperamental and unpredictable which makes each ring a unique challenge.
The price for a custom made meteorite ring from us currently ranges from 900 to 1150 USD, depending on the specifications. As the waiting list is currently long, the prices might have changed by the time we are ready to take your order.
Once we’re finished with a ring and have time to make another, we’ll contact the next person in line on this list via e-mail. We cannot say how long it’s going to take for us to get to you, the list is currently quite long and it may be a year or more before we get to you if you sign up now. It’s free to add your name to the list, and signing up doesn’t commit you to buy a ring.
Just fill out the form below to add your name to the list. After submitting the form, you should receive a confirmation e-mail. If you don’t, please check your spam folder and make sure to “whitelist” our address, as you won’t get the notification e-mail once it’s your turn if this doesn’t work properly. We take no responsibility for e-mails that don’t reach the recipient. You can unsubscribe at any point if you don’t wish to receive any more e-mails.
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